French Holiday & Travel

Information for visitors to France


Your French Holiday, Hosted by

France Demographics
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Demographics of France

France Demographics

Area: 547,030 sq km - includes metropolitan France, excludes overseas administrative divisions
Coastline: 3,427 km
Terrain: Mostly flat plains or gently rolling hills in north and west; remainder is mountainous, especially Pyrenees in south, Alps in east
Population: 66.03 million (2013 census)
Government: Republic
Capital: Paris
National holiday: Bastille Day, 14 July (1789)
Currency: Euro
Currency code: EUR
Railways: 31,939 km operated by French National Railways (SNCF)
Highways: 892,900 km including 9,900 km of Autorout (Motorways)
Waterways: 14,932 km of which 6,969 km heavily traveled
Flag: Demographics of Franc



Romance Language of 128 Million
An invaluable resource for anyone planning to visit France with over 100 sections taking you from basic French phrases with pronunciation guides, through grammar and language structure to colloquial expressions and abbreviations.


France uses a the metric system of measurement

1 kilo (1000 gms) = 2.2 Lbs.
1 litre = 1.75 pints (approx); 1 gallon = 4.54 litres
2.54cm = 1in
30 cm = 1 foot
1 metre = 3ft 3in
1 km = 5/8 mile
1 hectare = approx 2.5 acres

Temperature is measured in degrees Celsius

To convert Celsius to Fahrenheit multiply the Celsius temperature by 9.
Divide the answer by 5.
Then add 32.

To convert Fahrenheit to Celsius subtract 32 from the Fahrenheit temperature.
Divide the answer by 9.
Then multiply the result by 5.