French Holiday & Travel

Information for visitors to France


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Weather in France, French Climate
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Romance Language of 128 Million
3 volume PDF E-Book with over 100 sections taking you from basic French phrases, through grammar and language structure to colloquial expressions, abbreviations and slang.

An invaluable resource for anyone planning to visit France.

French Climate

The Weather in France is temperate, an agreeable climate with generally mild to cool winters and mild to hot summers.

Western France, along the Atlantic coast offers an oceanic, humid climate with cooler summers.

In the north and central regions including Paris you will find cooler winters and warmer summers.

The east, along the Rhone corridor and in the mountainous regions is semi-continental with harsh winters and hot summers.

The Mediterranean regions and south of France offer mild winters and hot summers.

Occasional a strong, cold, dry, north-to-northwesterly wind blows known as mistral.

Approximate Daily Temperature in France

For Nothern France reduce temperature shown by up to 1 to 2Cº ( 1.8 to 3.6Fº ) and add up to 1 to 2Cº for Southern France
Temperatures are shown in Cº, hover over the temperature to see Fº

  Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun
Average 7.545.5 7.545.5 10.550.9 16.060.8 17.062.6 23.574.3
Minimum 1.033.8 2.035.6 8.046.4 13.055.4 14.057.2 20.068.0
Maximum 12.053.6 12.053.6 14.057.2 19.567.1 21.069.8 26.579.7
  Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Average 24.576.1 26.078.8 23.073.4 17.062.6 12.053,6 8.547.3
Minimum 21.570.7 22.071.6 18.064.4 14.558.1 7.545.5 4.039.2
Maximum 28.583.3 29.084.2 26.084.2 22.071.6 18.064.4 21.558.1

Temperature Convertion ( Cº to Fº )
Fº = (Cº x 9 / 5) + 32